We live in the US Commonwealth of the Mariana Islands which now has formalized US customs and immigration laws so it is the same as the US. No provisions were made for custody at the time of the divorce.
Marriage & Divorce - 2 Answers
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1 :
The child is in China, so she is under their jurisdiction. You would need an order in China to change her custody. Just a note- the courts in the US would never let her out of the US in the opposite situation, so I would expect it to be difficult to get such an order. Are you in possession of a US passport for the child? That might make it easier to just go get her. EDIT: Which I am not recommending, unless you want to spend time in a Chinese jail.
2 :
I presume the ex is a US citizen as is your wife's daughter. Your wife should speak with her ex about a possible change in living arrangements. Her daughter will be an adult by the time anything happens with the courts, especially if the ex objects.
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