Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Should I live in China or the United States to help work and pay off student loans

Should I live in China or the United States to help work and pay off student loans?
I live in China now and I worry about the pollution, stress, and education, however the job market seems better here.
Personal Finance - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
If you just show up in the US without proper visas you're going to have a lot of trouble with homeland security. Study this site very carefully before making any decisions that might drastically change your life forever.
2 :
i think you can live in us
3 :
Lived there and Done that. Live and work in the USA. China is very dirty, employments sucks because there are no labor laws, how about 18 hour days? Working holidays good for you? Also in general you will earn less that in the US, but your costs will be lower. Foreigners are looked at in general as prey, since we are so honest. Honesty is not prized by the Han Chinese, lying and being chongming or clever is what they prize. Chinese who know english are usually looking to entrap or blackmail you. Trust me.